Common excuses for avoiding studying in college

As I speak to my friends, relatives, and others about college education, I come cross number of excuses for delaying or skipping college studies. I feel that anyone interested in planning to study college should do his/her best to make this happen and not be discouraged by any information that suggests that college is beyond your reach. I below share with you number of myths I hear about stopping or avoiding college education. I also try to give you some thoughts that will hopefully convince the student to reconsider decision on studying in college.

College is for the brightest only

I believe college is for everyone, not just for the brightest or gifted with superior abilities. The truth is college students are perfectly ordinary people. If you are concerned that you are not smart or brightest in your class or college, I suggest that you study very hard. By studying harder, you will know your assigned material for your classes. So if you know your material, your class assignments and exams will appear to be easy and your performance will likely improve. If this happens, you will know that ordinary students are just as smart as anyone else in the class. So studying does play a role in how well you do on class assignments. Think of college is for those who want to study (and improve their future by finishing college studies), not just for those who are gifted to learn.

My college entrance scores or previous education is not adequate enough

If you have decided to not continue your education to college because of your past academic performance, I think is a mistake. By stopping to further your education, I think this stops you from improving your test scores or your academic standing.

Many community colleges do not require entrance examinations such as the SATs (stands for Scholastic Assessment Tests) although high scores on standardized examinations are required for admission to some state universities and private colleges. The majority of the community colleges have an open door policy thus welcoming all applications. A two-year of college work at a community college toward a bachelor degree can be transferred to a university or four-year college without entrance examinations.

A community college (CCBC – The Community College of Baltimore County) does not require SAT scores.
A community college (CCBC – The Community College of Baltimore County) does not require SAT scores.

I don't know what I want to be

Don't let this stop you from studying in college. For a bachelor's degree, the first two years are general education courses. So you don't necessarily need to declare a major for the first two years of college studies. The general education courses may help you decide what you need to pursue. The colleges also have variety of internship programs and advisors that can help you move into the right career path. Also, consider talking to your friends and family members about finding the right career path.

I don't have creative ideas for college

You don't have to make new inventions to attend college. You just need to be willing to learn new ideas and appropriately apply them while studying or upon completion of studies.

I am now too old to attend college

If age is of concern, I think it would be nice for you to look around the campus of your interest to see if people are studying from your age group. It is not uncommon to find older adult students at most state universities and community colleges across the US.

I need a lot of time for college

Consider taking classes part-time (or reducing the class load). Most colleges offer weekend and evening classes. Many colleges also offer online courses. Make sure you allot yourself enough time to study for your classes. Also, don't forget to factor your family or work responsibilities in college schedule planning. When I studied in college, on average, on weekly basis, I needed a few hours for every class. If I knew the material from previous class, then, obviously I needed to spend less time for that class. On the other hand, I needed more time for a class that was completely new to me.

I need a lot of money to go to college

You don't have to pay the whole tuition bill all at once. Don't forget college students have access to variety of finical-aid, scholarships and loan options. Consult with your college's financial aid office to determine your eligibility. Most colleges offer variety of payment plans to suit a student's budget needs. Again, check with your college for specific information on this.

It takes very long to complete a college program/study

Colleges offer variety of options for completion of their programs. It is true that it will take you longer to complete a program if you only study part-time. If, on the other hand, you enroll in an accelerated program, you may complete the program early. Check with your college about the specific availability of accelerated terms. Don't forget many community colleges offer certificate programs that can be completed in less than a typical two year program.

Posted on 8/1/2006
by Raj Singh