Getting help on education matters

Students should not forget there are college resources that help them get advice when they need it. Colleges and universities have academic advisers to help students plan their education. The service is free and helpful to the student’s success. If you have questions, academic advising can play a bigger role in getting you answers.

The competing demands of the classes consumes most of the student’s time. As a result, students cannot always effectively plan their education or achieve their academic objectives. So they need help. On the other hands, students who are motivated to independently plan their education can also benefit from academic advising. The point is education planning should not be done alone. At least, education planning should be verified with academic advisors. Obviously, academic advisors are familiar with the programs of studies offered by a school.

So what exactly will an academic advisor do for a student? Student can expect:

  • Help on selecting courses
  • Help on choosing a major
  • Permissions to enroll in classes
  • Recommendations on improving grades or GPA (Grade Point Average)
  • Learn options on transferring to another college
  • Help on improving study skills
  • Help on building self-esteem
  • Answers on graduation requirements
  • Review of overall education plan

Sometimes a student does not have a choice; he/she has to seek it. This happens when the student is registering for classes or his/her GPA dropped dramatically.

All it takes to receive academic advice is a trip to the academic advisement office or center at your college. You are likely to find the advisement center crowded as the class enrollment season approaches. Advanced planning is a smarter way to get academic advice. Make an appointment to make sure you don’t miss seeing see your advisor.

Posted on 3/4/2008
by Raj Singh