Tips for making your travel successful

Neither you have to travel the world nor do you need a college degree on travel to learn how to make your trip successful. Here are some important tips, in addition to other posts, that can help you make your journey successful.

Keep in mind, each trip is unique. As such, not all tips listed here will apply to all trips or travelers. For example, a family with kids will need to devote their travel time to taking care for their children duration of the trip while a person traveling alone can enjoy the trip carefree. To make the post as complete as possible, I’ll try to post all the tips that relate to a journey. Each tip below is listed in the order it may be used:

  • start planning for your trip as early as possible for more options (i.e., for transportation arrangements, finding compromises with other travelers if more than one person is traveling, etc.)
  • Determine answers to the following questions as early as possible:
    • Who is going with you?
    • Where you want to go and for what purpose (i.e., beach, visit a family)?
    • How much will trip cost? Who will pay for it?
    • Who will care for those needing care among the travelers? If you are traveling with kids or seniors you should know.
  • Research on the place you want to visit, especially if you are going to unfamiliar place. If you are going on a business trip, your company or coworkers may be your guide to learn more about the trip and the place you are going. Don’t forget to use internet and public libraries for information on travel guides. As much as possible, know the language, politics and culture of the place you are visiting. Consider going to safe places to protect yourself and your follow travelers versus going to not so safe places.
  • Schedule your trip to manage your time wisely. Include time to relax and for unexpected events. Work, kids, unexpected events, and other activities can exhaust you.
  • Plan for seeing few places instead of many if you are concerned about the shortage of time. Exploring one place fully may be more rewarding than seeing little of many places.
  • Make sure the place you want to visit is in a convenient spot to transportation and everything else you want to see and do at the destination.
  • Get a map of your destination to familiarize yourself with the location and safety information.
  • If you will be travailing in air, follow all instructions you see at the airport, provided by the airport staff, or by airplane crew.
  • Don't forget to tell your relatives or friends of your arrival time and flight information, if someone will be picking you up from the airport.
  • At the destination of your trip, don’t fall for any local scams or deals sounding too good to be true.
  • Leave your money, passport, and other personal belongings at a safe place such as your hotel or stay at the destination. Carrying them in unfamiliar places may make you vulnerable.
  • Follow traffic laws if you will be driving.
  • If you experience any difficulty with the service you receive, consider sharing your concern with the staff.
  • When you return back from the trip, let your friends, and relatives you visited know that you have arrived back safely.
Posted on 8/5/2006
by Raj Singh