What you should know if you are not traveling solo

It is not uncommon to have a partner with you for a trip. There may be variety of reasons why you choose to travel with a partner versus going solo. You know if you go alone you will be responsible for all the expenses and you will solely make all the decisions for your trip. If, however, going with a partner, sharing and finding compromising is a must for a successful and enjoyable trip. You may also choose to go with someone else if you don’t speak the local language or not familiar with the destination.

Although traveling with a partner has its benefits, the trip can be ruined when you all cannot get along with each other. To avoid this, choose your partner wisely. Follow these tips to guide your decision and to better manage your group trip:

  • Seek someone who is compatible with you or your habits
  • Each traveling person should have respect for each other
  • Seek a financial independent partner. Everyone traveling should be responsible with their trip money; no one should expect each other’s financial help.
  • Know in advance how much each will be responsible for the trip expenses, particularly if sharing is involved.
  • Be in agreement on what you will spend and how much
  • In case of disagreements, who will settle the differences? Is it you or someone else?
  • If expenses are shared, consider using a money box. Everyone traveling will contribute to the money box for shared and agreed expenses. For each shared expense, the money will come from the box. (Don’t forget to agree on exactly how much is to be spent for each expense.) To be fair, each shared expense should benefit all equally. When the box is depleted, consider replenishing. After the trip is over, split the leftover money equally among yourself.
  • Go to a place (or choose an activity/event for the destination) that you and your partner will enjoy.

Here is a checklist of questions to ask you when traveling with a partner:

  • How does your partner react to a crisis?
  • Is your partner responsible with money?
  • Is your partner cheap or irresponsible when it comes to spending money?
  • Does your partner have the same expectations as you do? Will you be shopping, seeing places, attending parties together or alone?
  • Do the interests of you and your partner match? Do you both enjoy shopping or something else?
  • Who is the leader to settle disputes or issues?
  • What is the responsibility of each traveling partner? Do you need a scheme to divide the tasks or responsibilities? Consider, for example, one partner will manage the kids and the other will take care of the older people.
Posted on 5/30/2007
by Raj Singh